Inclusion Of Students With Learning Disabilities In Higher Education: A Perspective On Challenges And Accommodations

Ratan Sarkar, Dr. Mumtaz Begum
2018 Zenodo  
The present paper basically discusses in its prelude about the factors that affect effective and meaningful participation of students with disabilities, especially students with learning disabilities in higher education. It intends to explore the need of inclusive environment in higher education for persons with disabilities with special reference to individuals with learning disabilities through intensive support from literature. The paper has presented a detailed conceptualized understanding
more » ... n the term "Learning Disability" and it has also talked about varied forms of learning disabilities with critical and comprehensive outlook. The paper has discussed in detail about the multiple challenges that are experienced by the students with learning disabilities (SWLDs) in higher education and lastly it ends up with highlighting the factors involved in the success of SWLDs in higher education and by proposing suggestions for reasonable accommodation to create an inclusive and enabling environment competent enough to ensure access of SWLDs to higher education.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1318790 fatcat:ksaxwlxibbf4xiyj2l5hgb4oea