I'm Friends with Louie the Fly, not Mortein: Conceptualising the New Brand Relationships on Social Media [chapter]

Kate Letheren, Kerri-Ann L. Kuhn
2015 Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing  
Social media offers many opportunities for building brand relationships. One method of fostering relationships is to create a social media presence for the company spokes-character. Anecdotal evidence suggests that such a strategy can be very effective, though empirical research is needed. This paper reviews what is known and highlights a concern, based on analysis of the case of Louie the Fly and Mortein, that consumers may interact with characters as if they were separate to their parent
more » ... . Hence positive associations with the character may not translate into positive brand outcomes. Following discussion, a model is proposed for testing.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24184-5_124 fatcat:qp34vfmiunav7j7j6my5bocuyi