Sustainable ecotourism in dooars region, a potential and perspective: A study of Garumara National Park, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India

Ujjwal Dutta, Ph Research Scholar
2018 National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development   unpublished
Ecotourism is a new concept of tourism to minimize negative impact on nature and wild life it's one of the main aims is to increase concern about conservation of nature. In recent time eco-tourism has an immense potential in Dooars region and it is also very helpful to develop economically distress region condition. The study was conducted during Dec, 2016 to July, 2017. The respondents were randomly selected from local people and from the tourist, both domestic and international. The survey
more » ... conducted at Dooarse region of Gorumara National Park, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India. In the study, two types of sample were selected one from tourists and another is from local people. Peak season of tourism is middle November to May. The total sample size were 230 among them 180 were tourist and rest 50 were local people. The tourist also came from all over Indian, though maximum tourists are domestic tourist. Ecotourism is very immense value to flourish local creature and create job opportunity. The paper is attempted to investigate opportunity of Sustainable eco-tourism in Dooars region.