Exact form of the generalized Lorentz force in Fock's nonlinear relativity

N. Takka
2019 International Journal of Modern Physics A  
This work completes a serie of two papers devoted to the extension of the fundamental laws of electrodynamics in the context of Fock's nonlinear relativity (FNLR). Indeed, after having established in the previous study the exact generalizations of both Maxwell's equations and Dirac magnetic monopole, we present here the remaining exact Lorentz force. As in k-Minkowski spacetime, two different nature contributions appear in the corresponding equation of motion where the new effect is interpreted
more » ... as the gravitational-type Lorentz force. This common point separately induced by the radius of the universe in our case or Planck energy in other works, reinforces once more the analogy between electromagnetism and gravity in two different scientific approaches. As a relative difference, it is very important to highlight that more homogeneity characterizes our results where each effect is exclusively generated by mass or charge but not both at the same time. Even more, the new effect emerges as the result of the triple effect of R-deformation, mass and the square of velocities but completely independent of electromagnetic field.
doi:10.1142/s0217751x19500167 fatcat:lhajix4b6vgorj6d6xgh7o3krm