An unusual case of duodenal metastasis of pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma

Muge Ustaoglu, Gulgun Kocak, Cigdem Siviloglu, Ercument Cengiz
2018 The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology  
A 50-year-old man visited our emergency department with complaints of hematemesis and melena. He had a prior history of metastatic (brain metastasis) pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma (PC) for 5 months, and brain radiation therapy was performed for the brain metastasis. He did not undergo chemotherapy because of his poor performance status. He reported a 4-month history of weakness and iron deficiency anemia requiring blood transfusion.
doi:10.5152/tjg.2018.17288 pmid:29391323 pmcid:PMC6322627 fatcat:gyhrigsyi5gpjfocuf5mpj7fgq