Improvement Of Learning Motivation And Negotiation Of Learning Disorders Of Students Using Integrative Teaching Methodology

Juris Porozovs, Daina Voita, Anda Kauliņa, Toms Voits, Evita Vaļēviča
2013 Zenodo  
Integrative teaching methodology is based on connecting and summarizing knowledge from different subjects in order to create better understanding of different disciplines and improvement of competences in general. Integrative teaching methodology was implemented and realised during one academic year in 17 Latvian schools according with specially worked out programme by specialists of different fields for adaptation in social environment of children and young people with learning, cognitive
more » ... ions and motor disorders. Implemented integrative teaching methodology consisted from three subsections which were specialised for adaptation in social environment, improvement of cognitive functions and improvement and harmonization of personality. The results of investigation showed that the use of integrative teaching methodology is an effective way for improvement of learning motivation and negotiation of learning disorders of different age schoolchildren.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1331765 fatcat:yq6pxt2hhrcidnlmrlbtxbqfw4