Dependence the amount of combustion air and its redistribution to primary and secondary combustion air and his depending on the boiler

Štefan Papučík, Richard Lenhard, Katarína Kaduchová, Jozef Jandačka, Jan Koloničný, Jiří Horák
Relationship between the primary and secondary dielectric relaxation processes in propylene glycol and its oligomers Abstract. The production of solid pollutants is affected by several influences. The amount of combustion air and its redistribution to primary and secondary combustion air. The experimental device, what which has been examined the amount of the combustion air on the production of the solid pollutants, methods of measurement, measurements results and analysis of the results obtained will be described in the papers.
doi:10.1063/1.4892715 fatcat:j5d2i5hxyfanzipgameqbmo3fe