Accuracy investigation of monostatic and bistatic RCS measurement by near-field far-field transformation with planar scanning

Shuntaro Ohmi, Toru Uno, Takuji Arima, Takao Fujii
2014 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Conference Proceedings  
Radar cross section (RCS) is one of the important characteristics in EM engineering. In order to measure the RCS, near-field far-field (NF-FF) transformation technique is often used. The NF-FF transformation method based on fast multipole method (FMM) is well known as a one of effective method. However, in order to obtain quite accurate result, the method needs all of near fields which surrounds the whole of the targets. On the other hand, it is very difficult to measure all of near fields due
more » ... o limitation of measurement equipment set up. Therefore, the size of using near field area is limited in real measurement situation of RCS measurement case. In this paper, the accuracy of NF-FF is investigated by changing the size of using near fields area. In this paper, only near fields which are in front of the target is used. The near fields are measured by planar scanning.
doi:10.1109/isanp.2014.7026566 fatcat:irutyzofnzdinbti7yfmh6kgpe