On the Role of Plastoquinone in Photosynthesis

H. Böhme, S. Reimer, A. Trebst
1971 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Dibromothymoquinone and its hydroquinone are inhibitors of non cyclic electron flow from water to NADP, anthraquinone or methylviologen. The inhibition is competetively reversed by plastoquinone. It appears that dibromothymoquinone is an antagonist of plastoquinone and that it prevents the enzymic (by the next endogenous carrier of the chloroplast electron transport chain) but not the chemical (by ferricyanide) reoxidation of reduced plastoquinone. This follows from the result that the
more » ... ction of ferricyanide and DCPIP * is not inhibited by dibromothymoquinone in sonicated chloroplasts and is inhibited in intact chloroplasts to only 60% or 80% respectively. It is concluded that dibromothymoquinone does not inhibit photoreductions by photosystem II. According to their response to dibromothymoquinone, cyclic photophosphorylations can be subdivided in those requiring plastoquinone and those which do not. Menadione catalyzed cyclic photophosphorylation is inhibited by dibromothymoquinone, whereas the PMS catalyzed system is not. The DAD cyclic system is only partly inhibited by dibromothymoquinone. The PMS catalyzed cyclic photophosphorylation in the presence of dibromothymoquinone is antimycin sensitive, which suggests that the PMS system can switch from a plastoquinone dependent system to a plastoquinone independent, but cytochrome b dependent system, which is now antimycin sensitive. Ferredoxin catalyzed cyclic photophosphorylation is inhibited by dibromothymoquinone as well as by antimycin. The data indicate that non cyclic electron flow through both photosystems is obligatory dependent on plastoquinone, whereas cyclic systems do not necessarily include plastoquinone. The relevance of the results to the possibility of different coupling sites in cyclic and non cyclic electron flow systems is discussed.
doi:10.1515/znb-1971-0416 fatcat:war5tkskonejbpo6nv3tvvzlda