Improvement of numerical weather prediction of heavy rain event using radar data assimilation using rapid update cycle method in Jabodetabek Region

N V Santi, J A I Paski, A Mulsandi
2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
Predictions of accurate heavy rain are needed in building a flood early warning system. One of the most commonly used weather parameter modeling models is the Weather Research Forecasting, but the results of the WRF model prediction have deficiencies inaccuracy so that data assimilation needs to be done to improve accuracy. This research aims to determine the effect of radar data assimilation by applying RUC using WRF 3DVAR to improve the predictions of heavy rain events in the Jabodetabek area
more » ... with cases representing each of the four seasonsanalysis on Climatology Station of PondokBetung, as well as the analysis of rain dichotomy, shows WRF assimilation using RUC with a TS value increased by 9%, PC value increased by 10%, and FAR value fixed by 18%.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012124 fatcat:gsg3tc3xhbcpxmr5iqbb5npo3i