Improvement of Ural-20R borer miner loading augers

A.E. Sukhanov, D.I. Shishlyannikov, D.S. Kormshchikov, V.S. Litvinenko
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The paper analyses haulage equipment features of the Ural-20R borer miner. The process of loading ore with an auger is accompanied by circulation and grinding. This negatively affects the efficiency of mineral processing and causes increased dust formation and the need to use energy-intensive methods to reduce the concentration of dust in the bottomhole space. The authors of the work justify the rational geometric parameters of the design of the loading auger of the Ural-20R combine, which will
more » ... reduce the circulation and crushing of ore during loading.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202126604005 fatcat:njmrjsdyvba3pdrcurwwarj6oe