Data quality of drug-resistant tuberculosis and antiretroviral therapy electronic registers in South Africa [post]

2019 unpublished
To assess the quality and completeness of treatment and outcome data in the electronic tuberculosis (TB) and antiretroviral treatment (ART) registers in drug-resistant (DR-) TB patients at three treatment facilities in South Africa. Methods We did a retrospective cohort study using routinely-collected data from DR-TB registers of rifampicin resistant adults (≥18 years old), on ART, initiating DR-TB treatment between January 2012 and December 2013. We linked patient information from the DR-TB
more » ... ister to the ART register using patient identifiers and an algorithm based on string edit distance and date of birth. We describe data gaps and discrepancies found. Results Overall, 2,852 DR-TB patients met our inclusion criteria based on the DR-TB register data, and of these, 1,685 (59%) could be matched to the ART registers. An additional 253 patients from the DR-TB registers were found in the ART registers, having initiated ART, despite the DR-TB register indicating that they were not on ART (or this data was missing). 11% of matched patients did not have TB treatment status recorded in the ART register despite being recorded as being on TB treatment in the DR-TB register, and 78% did not have an ART start date recorded in DR-TB register despite being on ART treatment as per the ART register. 11% of matched patients had a death recorded in one register but not the other, and of those with death recorded in both, 15% of dates differed by >1 month. Conclusions The underreporting of death and the lack of ART or TB status in the electronic DR-TB and ART registers could negatively impact monitoring efforts by downplaying the state of the TB/HIV epidemic. Improved recording of these data sources, and data integration across systems, could improve the accuracy of reporting for the national HIV/ART and TB programs.
doi:10.21203/rs.2.14403/v1 fatcat:blucyyq6sjeq3ipaq25ilssese