V.M. Shestopalov, L.I. Petrenko
2022 Geological Journal  
Fractured rock aquifers are regarded as of particular scientific and practical interest because of their importance for underground water supply, energy storage and safety radioactive waste disposal. The study of fissure waters of crystalline rocks in the context of global warming to address issues of drinking water supply is highly relevant today. It has potential practical importance for the future.The sustainable use of groundwater in fractured rock aquifers requires a detailed knowledge of
more » ... heir hydraulic properties. The complexity of hydrogeological conditions in massive fractured rocks results from uncertainties about the configuration of the fractures, while the potential for groundwater movement in such rocks is primarily determined by their permeability and, consequently, hydraulic conductivity. Fractures (fracture networks) have different permeability properties, which is one of the key parameters required for understanding and predicting fluid and water flow. This paper reviews and analyses the results of global studies of fracturing and permeability of crystalline rock massifs and the fault zones occurring in them. Since the study of permeability of crystalline rocks concerns many disciplines — including structural geology, tectonophysics, petrophysics, hydrogeology, and hydrology — this review highlights information about the distribution of groundwater in fractured crystalline rocks in the context of their potential exploitation. This study consists of two parts: generalization of research results concerning fracturing and permeability of crystalline rocks, and particularities of structure of fracture zones in crystalline rocks and of the presence of groundwater in them. Based on this review of the structure and development of fracture zones (including their evolution under the influence of weathering and other secondary processes), recommendations are given for using tectonophysical reconstructions to improve hydrogeological field works and mathematical modeling.
doi:10.30836/igs.1025-6814.2022.2.254153 fatcat:7vxeb4yh3bcvtapdvm5kude5oq