Eastern Progress 1988-1989

Donna Pace
1988 unpublished
Managing editor With the recent approval of floor-by-floor coed housing by the Council on Student Affairs, the university is attempting to develop the living arrangements present in five of the seven remaining state universities. Currently, the university has wing-by-wing coed housing in Martin Hall. While several of the universities •escribed coed housing as a benefit (for upperckusmen and those excelling in studies, Kentucky State University has eliminated coed bousing because of behavioral
more » ... oblems, according to Danita Patterson, secretary of housing. Patterson said students were destroying university property, including janitor rooms and equipment on the floors of its two residence halls providing coed housing. The guys were showing off, and the benefit was removed," she said. The floor-by-floor coed housing had been in place for two years. The other stale university without floor-by-floor coed housing is Murray State University. However, Murray has had floor-by-floor housing in previous years, but converted to wing-by-wing this semester because of a fluctuation of enrollment figures, according to Sharon Pierceall, housing coordinator. Carl Miller, housing coordinator at Morehead, said administrators from Eastern had toured its residence halls during the summer to study living arrangements. Six of Moreheads 13 residence halls have floor-by-floor coed housing. The coed option is open to any class level of student. Miller said, and visitors may be escorted to the rooms from 2 p.m. until 12 a.m. No checking in is required. Twenty-five miles north of Eastern , floor-by-floor housing arrangements are present in six of 18 UK residence halls. Preference is given to upperclass-men. Open house hours are decided upon by the residence halls, and visitors are signed in and escorted to rooms. On the Western side of the state, two of Western's 19 residence halls are coed ona floor-by-floor basis with 24-hour visitation. Northern also has coed housing in one of its six residence halls. Each of the halls have three floors with one being a floor for males and two for females, according to Donna Ware from housing. Along with floor-by-floor coed living, U of L is exploring male and female residence on a room-by-room basis. Currently U of L has one floor in a residence hall where both males and females coincide on a room-by-room basis. The floor is limited to upper-classmen with Us residents voting on the open house hours and whether the floor is a "quiet" floor. This semester, the residents voted for 24-hour open house and quiet floor arrangements, which entail more strict study hours, said Vickie Halsell. housing coordinator. A sign-in system is not used at U of L, but members of the opposite sex must be escorted to the various floors. Glossing it over A^ Greg Long, a junior from Erlanger, was one of the members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity who helped paint over the graffiti on the walls of Ma Kelly's restaurant Progress photo/Charlie Bohon on Third Street Tuesday. Sigma Chi fraternity also took part in the project. University receives grant for teacher instruction in 5th district counties '•>