Open Architecture Humanoid Robotics Platform: OpenHRP
ヒューマノイドロボットソフトウェアプラットフォーム OpenHRP

Fumio Kanehiro, Kiyoshi Fujiwara, Shuuji Kajita, Kazuhito Yokoi, Kenji Kaneko, Hirohisa Hirukawa, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Katsu Yamane
2003 Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan  
This paper introduces an open architecture humanoid robotics platform (OpenHRP for short) on which various building blocks of humanoid robotics can be investigated. OpenHRP is a virtual humanoid robot platform with a compatible humanoid robot, and consists of a simulator of humanoid robots and motion control library for them which can also be applied to a compatible humanoid robot as it is. OpenHRP is expected to initiate the exploration of humanoid robotics on an open architecture software and
more » ... hardware, thanks to the unification of the controllers and the examined consistency between the simulator and a real humanoid robot.
doi:10.7210/jrsj.21.785 fatcat:ibvpq6ed75ahrbnnobspmuwnzi