Voice Disorders Identification Using Hybrid Approach: Wavelet Analysis And Multilayer Neural Networks

L. Salhi, M. Talbi, A. Cherif
2008 Zenodo  
This paper presents a new strategy of identification and classification of pathological voices using the hybrid method based on wavelet transform and neural networks. After speech acquisition from a patient, the speech signal is analysed in order to extract the acoustic parameters such as the pitch, the formants, Jitter, and shimmer. Obtained results will be compared to those normal and standard values thanks to a programmable database. Sounds are collected from normal people and patients, and
more » ... hen classified into two different categories. Speech data base is consists of several pathological and normal voices collected from the national hospital "Rabta-Tunis". Speech processing algorithm is conducted in a supervised mode for discrimination of normal and pathology voices and then for classification between neural and vocal pathologies (Parkinson, Alzheimer, laryngeal, dyslexia...). Several simulation results will be presented in function of the disease and will be compared with the clinical diagnosis in order to have an objective evaluation of the developed tool.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1082661 fatcat:3q2jbbs43zbtjdbtr534lwc66q