SEGRE: An Expert System for Pro-active Computer Network Management

Cecília de A. Castro César, Celso de Renna e Souza
1999 Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium  
The explosive growth of computer networks requires a more efficient management paradigm, to maintain their services uninterrupted: the pro-active management. Since the necessary knowledge is complex, and network managers often lack the needed experience, the use of Artificial Intelligence appears as a promising venue to obtain a truly pro-active attitude. This paper presents a pro-active intelligent management system, called SEGRE -A Proactive Computer Network Managing Expert System -that
more » ... trates the information provided by the RMON -Remote Monitoring -protocol with the additional monitoring of some UNIX parameters.
dblp:conf/lanoms/CesarS99 fatcat:amng7urfkbg7jifmt2mgtsaqwm