On Some Problems Concerning the "Hokusho"-type Landslides, based on Photogeologic Interpretation of the Landslide Topography

Kazuo Kuroda, Shigefumi Oka
1967 Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry  
On Some Problems Concerning the•gHokusho•h-type Landslides, based on Photogeologic Interpretation of the Landslide Topography by Kazuo Kuroda, Shige f umi Oka The Kitamatsuura Peninsura, northwestern corner of Kyushu, is a region in which landslides occur very frequently. Among them, the slub slides occurred in the Tertiary strata is called the•gHokusho•h-type landslide, and is the most characteristic of the region. In this paper, the topographic feature caused by many landslides are discussed
more » ... egarding their remote causes controlled by lithof acies and geological structure of the Tertiary system, distribution of talus deposits on the pediment-like slope, relief of the base of the Hachinokubo Gravel Bed and the Matsuura Basalts which unconf ormably cover the Tertiary system. The writer pointed out that the undulating topography on the gentle slope of the cuesta is caused by the slub slides in the Tertiary strata, which are composed of alternation of sandstone and aggregated layer of shale, tuffaceous shale, tuff and coal seams. Four examples, which occurred recently in the area, are described with accompanying photographs and diagrams.
doi:10.4287/jsprs1962.6.45 fatcat:jaafsimsirgkfp7ajh2mjrchzi