Intravesical Therapy of Superficial Urothelial Bladder Cancer with BCG and Epirubicin 50 Mg - Comparative Analysis

Nikolay I. Nikolov, Vladislav R. Dunev, Angel A. Anatoliev, Nikolay H. Kolev, Martin B. Stoykov, Boyan S. Atanasov
2022 Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Research  
Bladder cancer is a heterogeneous disease in molecular, histological and clinical aspects. Treatment should also be considered from different angles - surgery, intravesical chemo- or immunotherapy, radiation therapy and lifestyle changes. Intravesical treatment of superficial bladder cancer with Еpirubicin or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a continuation of surgical treatment to reduce or eliminate further recurrence.
doi:10.2478/jbcr-2022-0009 fatcat:qq5bh74pp5f3tp5iwxvyvmyiue