Morel-Lavallée Lesions of Lower Extremity: A Case Series in a Tertiary Centre

Himanshu Pandey, Manish Kumar, Rakhi Chhikara, Rohit Kaushik, Lalit Kumar
2020 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  
Morel Lavallée lesions (ML lesions) are a rare degloving type of injury occurring after blunt trauma, usually in the peritrochanteric region and resulting into a progressive subcutaneous swelling. The current case series includes three patients with a history of trauma and development of rapidly increasing fluctuant soft tissue swelling during a time period of 18 months. Though these lesions are typically described in peritrochanteric region, two cases were encountered in the knee region. ML
more » ... ions were diagnosed precisely using Ultrasound (USG) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modalities and were managed accordingly. Classification of these lesions is paramount to enhance patient outcome and reduce complications.
doi:10.7860/jcdr/2020/45219.14086 fatcat:sptwgnbubvhlxpuxmr46bbwdge