Keefektifan Konseling Kelompok Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) dengan Teknik Cognitive Restructuring untuk Meningkatkan Self-Esteem pada Siswa

Risma Kumara Rani, Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Sugiyo Sugiyo
2022 Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy  
Self esteemis one of the most important needs for individuals to function effectively. Students who have low self esteemtend to have feelings of instability or insecurity, lack confidence, are more concerned with protecting themselves from painful things than actualizing opportunities. Therefore, this study tried to examine the effectiveness of group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques to improve self-esteem. Furthermore, the method used was an experiment with the RandomIzed
more » ... n Of Pretest-Posttest Control Group involving 14 selected X-grade students in purposive sampling. Data collection using instruments from Tafarodi & Swan with Self-Liking / Self-Competence Scale. After their data was analyzed, it was found that counseling cbt groups with cognitive restructuring techniques was effective in improving self-esteem.
doi:10.51214/bocp.v4i1.155 doaj:3d63ed813d83494b9d0ba408d3889032 fatcat:ac7enm2mzjar3dw3ywtfonnpkq