Natural Compounds And Their Biological Activity. 1. Compounds Potentially Influencing Pig Reproduction [report]

Scientific Committee On Animal Nutrition
2008 Zenodo  
The first part deals with factors, which influence fertility. For boars there is a problem with the level of libido as well as with morphological profile and condition of sperms in ejaculate. The factors, which influence the condition, are analyzed; especially health state and nutrition, influence of external environment, feed purity, or factors, which can be hardly influenced and also the influence of some disease processes. ... The content of the second part results from the explained
more » ... In this part reasonable intervention to the individual physiological processes within the meaning of thein normalization, or enhancement is designed so that spermiogenesis, spermatogenesis, and consequent fertilization bring the desired results. The essential expression, which has to be necessarily influenced, is the libido of breeding boar, which is significantly decreased especially in animals which stay in isolation, not so much in natural breeding. ...
doi:10.5281/zenodo.820001 fatcat:lbnf7stn2ncjvpdy5t2ukepwc4