Using social media for HIV/Aids Communication

2021 HIV Nursing  
Social media assumes a significant part in regular viewpoint and it is indistinguishable in all methods for exercises. This paper means to recognize which credits of web-based media add to the medium being seen as either advantageous or restricting when used as a mode for conveying HIV/AIDS-data to online multitudes and gatherings. To more readily comprehend the work of online media in HIV/AIDS correspondence, web-based media's application as a correspondence vehicle for general wellbeing data.
more » ... This is done because of the way that exploration examining the sending of web-based media for wellbeing purposes as an expansive going term, is more pervasive than for HIV/AIDS correspondence explicitly.
doi:10.31838/hiv21.01.13 fatcat:p2ec4yejlrezzc5h2tukknx7ti