Libertà e identità religiosa nei rapporti di lavoro. Diritto interno e giurisprudenza della corte di Strasburgo [article]

Veronica Postiglione, Universita' Degli Studi Di Salerno, Universita' Degli Studi Di Salerno
The globalization process (in the socio-economic and ethical-cultural perspective), medical scientific progress (redefining the contents of the right to live and die) and the emergence and spread of the new social needs (e.g. the legal recognition of same-sex union and family formation) are socio-cultural phenomena which require a new consideration under the traditional legal systems based on the peculiar national values and identity... [edit by author]
doi:10.14273/unisa-967 fatcat:ah6r5bwrgza5foibh7xnqauq2q