464 Cost-effectiveness of a multimedia campaign to improve coping with non-specific low back pain

Arnela Suman, Frederieke G Schaafsma, Rachelle Buchbinder, Maurits W van Tulder, Johannes R Anema
2018 Work Disability Prevention and Integration   unpublished
RTW rate varied significantly by cancer type. Of workers who returned to work after their first episode of leave after cancer, more than 50% continued to work after 5 years in largescaled companies. There was a steep decrease in work continuance rates during the first year after RTW, with considerable differences according to cancer site. Discussion It is very important for companies (especially smalland medium-sized companies) to establish and improve their RTW support system for employees with cancer.
doi:10.1136/oemed-2018-icohabstracts.1550 fatcat:t6tawu3avbge3m6hjbizy2d7xu