Thermoacoustic Prime Mover Sizing Software

Tareq Konaina, Ekhlas Alkhwildy, Nasser Yassen, Issa Morad
2014 Energy Procedia  
In the extended researches for suitable parameters of the project "Thermoacoustic solar stirling cooling" by University of Damascus, early software were developed to be the core for sizing Thermoacoustic cooler, including the modeling equations for design. Since prime mover were also required, it was necessary to develop a design strategy, aided with software, in order to allow the usage of low technology especially in stack fabrication, as well as to achieve building large sized tunnel. In
more » ... paper, the prime mover design strategy was developed to obtain new software for sizing a Thermoacoustic prime mover that would simply be built manually. Working gases included are air, helium, hydrogen and argon. To find the impact of the desired values of parameters, this software was used. Porosity or stack spacing, mean temperature, and temperature gradient over the stack were shortly discussed. Some parameters like the Heating capacity, mean pressure, and stack spacing were chosen to fit the needs, fabrication, and simplicity requirements. The software output sizes have achieved Makoto's et al. argon prime mover, S.M.Mehta et al., Limin's et al., and some other prime movers. The results obtained from the software have been compared to the results acquired from DeltaEc Software.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.06.121 fatcat:2td34v5scvcyrpnilbv4kzmjfe