The experience of males entering nursing: A phenomenological analysis of professionally enhancing factors and barriers

Geoff Wilson
2005 Contemporary Nurse: health care across the lifespan  
Males in nursing undoubtedly represent a minority group. However there have been relatively few studies which have investigated their unique experiences, compared with women in male dominated professions.This study conducted in an undergraduate nursing program, analysed the experience of males in nursing regarding (1) decision to enter the profession, during the course, both academic and clinical and (2) methods appropriate for recruiting more males to the profession. In general the results
more » ... cate overall positive acceptance of males in nursing, but several factors explored, indicate that change is essential if males are to remain and flourish in the profession.
doi:10.5172/conu.20.2.221 pmid:16393104 fatcat:nd4b5qvqs5hmjhnbvyqq33pr5q