From Face-to-Face to Online: Considerations for a Social Capital Design to Scale Science Teacher Access to High-Quality PD

Susan A. Yoon, Kate Miller, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider
2019 International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning  
This research investigates an approach to improving science teacher's access to highquality PD. Working with a small number of teachers, this exploratory study details how we combined social capital mechanisms with essential teacher learning and PD requirements to overcome existing challenges in the delivery of a PD course in a fully online asynchronous platform. Findings reveal comparably high satisfaction and usability of course materials as compared to previous face-to-face PD. Teachers also
more » ... articulated positive experiences from the intentional social capital course design in the areas of tie quality, depth of interaction, and access to expertise. However, the development of trust among teachers was harder to construct.
dblp:conf/cscl/YoonMSWSAR19 fatcat:dwgjfh26lrdhbmu5liv5yqkpsu