MHD slip flow of chemically reacting UCM fluid through a dilating channel with heat source/sink

K. Pravin Kashyap, Odelu Ojjela, Samir Kumar Das
2019 Nonlinear Engineering  
The present article explores the effects of uniform heat source and first order destructive chemical reaction on an upper convected Maxwell fluid through an expanding or contracting channel with the porous slip condition at the upper plate. It is assumed that the fluid is sucked or injected through the upper plate. The temperature and concentration at the plates is maintained constant. Using suitable similarity transformations, nonlinear coupled ODEs are developed from the governing PDEs. The
more » ... bsequent ODEs are converted into a first order system and integrated via shooting method. The effect of various prominent parameters on heat, flow and mass transfer characteristics are studied in detail through graphs and tables. The present results suggest that the presence of chemical reaction and heat source yields in the reduction of concentration and of the enhancement of temperature the fluid. It is also observed that the wall expansion shows an increasing effect on the radial velocity component, but the slip parameter exhibits an opposing effect. The viscous case has been studied as a special case where the present results are found to be close to the earlier ones. The flow of such nonlinear viscoelastic fluids has important applications in separation processes like petroleum and medical industries.
doi:10.1515/nleng-2018-0036 fatcat:4kb3vgy6vzdifn74bpko76b3qm