ULF wave measurements onboard the Interball auroral probe

S. Perraut, A. Roux, F. Darrouzet, C. de Villedary, M. Mogilevsky, F. Lefeuvre
1998 Annales Geophysicae  
The IESP experiment implemented onboard the Interball auroral probe measures the six components (3B, 3E) of the waves in the ULF range: 0.1±10 Hz and from time to time 0±30 Hz. Two dierent kinds of waves have been observed in the auroral region at altitudes between 10 000 and 20 000 km: (1) electrostatic emissions which consist of quasi-monochromatic structures with frequencies above the oxygen gyrofrequency, superimposed on a wide band signal interpreted as a Doppler broadening, (2)
more » ... etic wide band spectrum¯uctuations. These emissions are interpreted as current-driven electromagnetic or electrostatic ion cyclotron waves. The electromagnetic/electrostatic character is controlled by the plasma parameter b i and by the O + concentration.
doi:10.1007/s00585-998-1105-7 fatcat:nic5czmsfza3ra64rywog2hic4