Федір Євгенович Прилипко
2022 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo lìngvìstičnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlologìâ  
Introduction. The paper highlights the stylistic, functional and semantic features ofcommunicative unit as fixed phrase scheme in modern Ukrainian animated cartoons for children.The concept of communicative unit as fixed phrase scheme is under the given investigation.Such units are characterized by laconic and informative content, thus becoming an integralpart of a communicative act, attracting attention and contributing to a better understanding ofthe interlocutors. The factors of formation of
more » ... communicative unit as fixed phrase schemes(social, situational, normative, the principle of stereotyping, language expressiveness andactualization of linguistic signs) are outlined. The paper suggests distinguishing the affirmative,negative and emotionally evaluative communicative unit as fixed phrase schemes. So, the typesof fixed phrases models represented in dialogues between the characters are singled out. Oralspontaneous communication requires the automatic skills of the speaker demonstrating his lexical,phraseological and grammatical knowledge. The focus of special linguistic interest is inthe grammatical constructions, prototypes of models of communication in different situations.After all, assimilation ofstereotypesfacilitates communication, allows us not to create the expressionsevery time, but to recreate it as a ready phrase. Purpose. The paper aims at studying the structuraland functional types of communicative unit as fixed phrase schemes in modern Ukrainianspeaking animation. Methods. To achieve the purpose and solve the tasks the following methodswere used: descriptive, component and functional and stylistic analysis. Results. The resultsshowed that communicative units are important for conversational and dialogical form of language.Conclusion. Dominant communicative units as fixed phrase schemes in the conversationsbetween cartoon characters are those that perform the function of affirmation, negation,negative emotional evaluation. The perspective of the research is in clarifying the typology ofsuch communicative means.
doi:10.32589/2311-0821.2.2017.120857 fatcat:gih44eurczd6nmvkhnatfsqvxi