Structure of the Recall Process [and Discussion]

G. V. Jones, M. E. L. Voi, D. R. J. Laming
1983 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences  
It is often appropriate to analyse m em ory processes at a binary level corresponding to the individual item , w hich m ay be either rem embered or not. But an alternative, considered here, is to study m em ory for material that is explicitly m ulticom ponent in nature. T his procedure is necessary in attem pting to resolve som e basic issues concerning m em ory representation. For exam ple, the use as retrieval cues o f differing com binations o f com ponents produces differing patterns o f
more » ... all, in differing quantities. H ow m ay these distributions be accounted for? Sim ilarly, w hat are the effects upon m em ory o f varying the attention paid to different com ponents, or com binations o f com ponents? In dealing w ith such questions, it is useful to distinguish direct and indirect retrieval routes. This distinction can be shown to be o f particular service in elucidating the relation that recall bears to the other major index o f m em ory retention, recognition.
doi:10.1098/rstb.1983.0061 fatcat:itk5otqqunhbzm3fbjaf5ptcmm