発達障害幼児の親指導プログラムに関する検討 : 児童相談所におけるプログラムの実施
Parent Training Program at a Child Consultation Center for Mothers of Children with Developmental Disablilities

1997 Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis  
The present study sought to develop a parer 下t training Prograrn to teach basic behavior analysis and a training method based on its principles . Twenty − three . mothers of develoP − mental [ y disabled children participated in a training program conducted at a child consulta − tion center , The five training components of this program were : textbooks about behavbr analytic theory and trainingtechniques , lectures , group discu ∬ ions , homework and record − keeping, and feedback to mothers
more » ... om trainingstaff based on their record − keeping. Results generally showed that : ( 1)most participants felt satisfaction wlth thetraining program , ( 2) all mothers exhibited an increase of sc ( ,res in KBPAC ( Knowledge of Behavior Princlples as Applied to Children )over pre − assessment conditio 冂 s, ( 3) most chi 「 dren showed positive behavior changes based on a subjective checklist . A follow − up test about 16 months after the prograrn revealed that the effects had been maintained . However , it was undear that participation in the program and improvements in mothers ' performances were causally related . This study suggests that parent trai 雨 n8 programs based on behavior analytic procedures may be useful in community − based services . KeV WOrdS developmenta 冂 y disabled children , parent training , program package , assessment , ch 門d COnSUItatiOn Center
doi:10.24456/jjba.10.2_137 fatcat:tkq4zclogfeb3amx6csvh4vwgi