Strengthening and Retrofitting of RC Beam by using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Subhadranandan S. Dhanaji
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In a present scenario, derangement in RC structures is an enormous challenge faced worldwide by the infrastructure. A civil engineering structure is intended for a specific period and its serviceable life relies upon the nature of that structure and location at which structure constructed. The different RC structures arranged in seismically zones are not equipped for withstanding under the activity of seismic actions. The requirement for the investigation of fortifying and retrofitting of RC
more » ... ucture is noticeable because of the expanded rate of seismic exercises. Various strategies for structural strengthening/retrofitting techniques have been created throughout the years such as outer holding of steel plates, stiffened steel plates, partial or full length wrapping FRP, external prestressing, carbon fibre wrapping, external bar reinforcement. Strengthening/retrofitting technique or method was basically developed keeping the RC structure, safety and serviceability in views. This paper shows the different FRP retrofitting and strengthening techniques and an exploratory investigation on retrofitted RC beams with fiber reinforced polymer sheets (GFRP). The main intention of this practice is to investigate the behaviour of flexural member (RC beam) after strengthening and retrofitting with FRP under the action of vertical transverse load. The full length wrapping technique over all the four sides of the flexural RC beam is utilized as the method of retrofitting/strengthening. The present tertiary of FRP composite materials its province and testing facilities in India are reviewed through this paper study. 564 VI. RETROFITTING OF RC BEAMS The full length wrapping of GFRP around all the four sides of RC beam is used as a method of retrofitting. Before wrapping of GFRP, the surface of RC beam scrub with the help of wire brush and after that cleaned with water to remove all dirt. The RC beams are permitted to dry for 24hours. The GFRP sheet is cut as per the size of beams. After that, the epoxy resin primer is mixed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. The mixing of epoxy matrix is completed in a plastic bucket (Base: Hardener = 2Kg : 1 Kg). After mixing, the epoxy matrix mixture is applied to the surface of beams. The beams are cured for 8hours. The epoxy matrix is mixed in a plastic bucket as per instructions given by manufacturer to produce a proper mixture of base and hardener (Base : Hardener = 3.7 : 1.3). The coating is applied on the beams and fibre sheets for effective bonding of the sheets with the concrete surface. Then the GFRP sheets is placed on the top of beam surface coating and epoxy resin is crushed through the meandering of the texture. Air bubbles entrapped in between sheet and beam surface are eliminated. During hardening, a pressure applied to the GFRP sheets wrapped beam in order to remove the excess epoxy matrix and to assurer good bond between the epoxy, beam and the sheets. This procedure is performed at room temperature. Before testing, the RC beams strengthened/Retrofitted with GFRP sheets are restored for 3days at a room temperature.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.10084 fatcat:koo5333gc5gobddtq35msryy6u