Hand Gesture Based Character Recognition using Neural Network

Dr. Abha Choubey
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Communication is the trading of thoughts, messages, or data, as by discourse, visuals, signs, composing, or conduct. Hard of hearing and unable to speak individuals impart among themselves utilizing gesture-based communications, however they think that its hard to open themselves to the outside world. This paper proposes a visual based strategy for Communication amongst hard of hearing and unable to speak individuals with the outside world utilizing computers. This strategy utilizes Indian
more » ... nication via gestures hand motions given by the client as contribution through webcam and is changed over into an instant message. Not at all like the ordinary strategy for hand signal acknowledgment which makes utilization of gloves or markers or some other gadgets, this technique does not require any extra equipment and makes the client agreeable. Productivity is accomplished by utilizing a blend of various Algorithm together to extract features as opposed to depending on a solitary calculation.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.6054 fatcat:64tohhzizjdgrfzghho6i32x7y