أثر إدارة البیانات الضخمة على فعالیة القرارات الإداریة (دراسة تطبیقیة على البنک الأهلى المصرى)

سماح فرج محمد عید
2021 المجلة العلمیة للدراسات التجاریة والبیئیة  
This study aimed at the impact of managing big data on the effectiveness of administrative decisions. The data was analyzed by the statistical program SPSS, and one of the most important results of the study is the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of big data management (the physical capabilities of managing big data -the appropriate organizational environment for managing big data), and the effectiveness of administrative decisions.
doi:10.21608/jces.2021.218365 fatcat:ygjpuusiqva65hmpbw26zmucea