Implementation of an Integrated Floating Wetland and Biofilter for Water Treatment in Nile Tilapia Aquaculture

Somanas Somprasert, Sattaya Mungkung, Nathiya Kreetachat, Saksit Imman, Supreeda Homklin
2021 Journal of Ecological Engineering  
Due to the high nutrient and organic matter contents of fish pond water, the water must be treated before disposal to prevent the eutrophication and deterioration of natural receiving waters. Floating wetlands (FTWs) and biofilters are environmentally friendly ecological treatments that can be used for this water. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the performance of FTWs with biofilters (FTW/Bs) for nutrient and organic compound removal. Two FTW/ Bs were applied in a pond with 5,000 Nile
more » ... apia. The macrophyte species in the FTWs were Cyperus (Cyperus spp.) and Heliconia (Heliconia spp.). The buoyant mats of the FTWs were made from bamboo, and 200 bioballs were loaded below the mats. The water quality parameters in the pond were monitored for 5 weeks between the control test without the FTW/Bs and the experimental test with FTW/Bs at sites 1 (S1) to 8 (S8). The FTW/Bs were located at sites 2 (S2) and 3 (S3). The results showed reductions in all water quality parameters except orthophosphate (ortho-P) at S2 and S3. The COD, BOD, NH 4 -N, and SS at S2 and S3 parameters during the experimental test were significantly lower than those during the control test, in the ranges of 20. 34-33.96, 25.47-29.41, 25.86-27.87, and 26.00-28.44%, respectively.
doi:10.12911/22998993/140267 fatcat:fxlws3nejrcobkmqzwzve7a3uu