"The Penuries of the Precursors". A study of FAP (Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas) experience

Horacio Divito
2018 Historia Regional  
Inside the field known as combative peronismo, we will study the experience of FAP (Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas). The objective of this work is analyze the circumstances and details that defined the relationship between this armed organization and the whole group of combative peronismo, between FAP and the rest of The Justicialista Movement and between FAP and Perón; taking into consideration the peculiar political juncture in Argentina at the end of '60s and the beginning of '70s. The main
more » ... hesis presented in this work, suggests that a good part of the prolegomenon experienced by FAP; many of its tactic and strategic decisions; some of its scissions and its hard internal disputes; as well as its perceptions about political juncture and about the role played by Perón and the whole Justicialista Movement; were conditioned by the better position that Montoneros hold inside the particular filed known as combative peronismo.
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