Quantification of the Static Equivalent Pressure of Gas Phase Detonations in Pipes at the DDT, in the Region of Stable Detonation (if any) and at the Reflection Point

H.P. Schildberg, G. Sudano, C. Streuber
2013 Chemical Engineering Transactions  
In order to establish guidelines for detonation pressure proof pipe design, experiments in 48.3x2.6 and 114.3x3.6 pipes (outer diameter [mm] x wall thickness [mm]) were conducted, in which deflagrative explosions of stoichiometric C2H4/air-mixtures at 20 °C underwent the transition to detonation. Initial pressures were chosen high enough to produce detonation pressures that caused significant bulging of the pipe walls. Hydraulic tests were carried through with all pipe material charges to
more » ... ine the diameter increase as function of internal pressure. These results were compared to the diameter increase produced by the detonation experiments, enabling to assign static equivalent pressures (pstat) to the detonations in the C2H4/air mixtures. Pstat can be regarded as the effective pressure "seen" by the pipe when exposed to the highly dynamic load. When, under application of the conventional (i.e. developed for coping with static loads) pressure vessel guidelines, the pipe is designed for this static equivalent pressure, it will withstand the detonative pressure pulse. For gas phase detonations in pipes 8 different pressure scenarios can be distinguished. All scenarios were realized experimentally with stoichiometric C2H4/air-mixtures at 20 °C and for each one pstat was determined. This includes also the worst case detonation pressure scenario, in which the DDT occurs within approximately one pipe diameter of the blinded pipe end. When switching to stoichiometric C2H4/O2/N2-mixtures with O2 concentrations between 21 vol.-% and 30 vol.-% the ratio between pstat at the DDT and pstat for the stable detonation decreases with increasing O2 content. Whereas the ratio between pstat at the reflection of the stable detonation and pstat of the stable detonation will remain constant at about 2.49 for all detonative gas mixtures, the ratio between pstat at the DDT and pstat of the stable detonation must be expected to be strongly influenced by the reactivity of the gas mixture (increasing the reactivity will reduce the ratio [...]
doi:10.3303/cet1331103 doaj:18d08a0bfaec47e4afa923a30d26a044 fatcat:nhkccxeimndrzeicrdlj5hvdny