Superconducting Solenoid Magnets for the MuSIC Project

M. Yoshida, M. Fukuda, K. Hatanaka, Y. Kuno, T. Ogitsu, A. Sato, A. Yamamoto
2011 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity  
The COMET experiment will search for very rare muon processes that will give us an insight into particle physics beyond the Standard Model. COMET requires an intense beam of muons with a momentum less than 70 MeV/c. This is achieved using an 8 GeV proton beam; a heavy metal target to primarily produce pions; a solenoid capture system; and a curved solenoid to perform charge and momentum selection. It was recently proposed to build COMET in two phases with physics measurements being made in both
more » ... phases. This requires re-optimising the beam line for a shorter curved solenoid. This will affect the pion and muon yield; the momentum distributions at the detector; and the collimator scheme required. This paper will present the beam line design for COMET Phase-I, which aims to maximise the yield for low momentum muons suppressing sources of backgrounds in the beam. H © f © H S D02 Non-linear Dynamics -Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9 2683 Copyright c ○ 2013 by JACoW -cc Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)
doi:10.1109/tasc.2010.2088360 fatcat:75p4rj2xgjfndgc34mi5tvtduy