Sex differentiation of Corn BuntingsMiliaria calandrawintering in northern Spain

F. Campos, M. Hernández, J. Arizaga, R. Miranda, A. Amezcua
2005 Ringing & Migration  
A discriminant function was developed for sex differentiation of Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra wintering in northern Spain. The function, y = 0.136A + 0.288W -26.837, where A is wing length in mm and W is body weight in g, gives positive values for males and negative values for females. The error of this function was 3.9% lower than other published biometric criteria for sex differentiation in Corn Buntings.
doi:10.1080/03078698.2005.9674325 fatcat:xrmqgkhzevcqxjmsxg226pftjm