An application of expert system to LD converter processes

Michitaka Kanemoto, Hiroshi Yamane, Tooru Yoshida, Hideo Tottori
1990 ISIJ International  
Superior blowing control system is required forstableoperation and saving manpower in LDconverter process. To investigate the possibility of future advances in blowing control system, a prototype expert system for blowing control has been developed. This system is successful in applying the expert system to on-iine real-time process controi and applying the fuzzy reasoning to represent the ill-structured problem. As a test result, the high blowing controllability like a skilled operator has
more » ... achieved to prove the effectiveness of application of knowledge engineering to the blowing control.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.30.128 fatcat:eneiy2yenjblda6bgqtmquahzq