Zhitao Guan, Yue Xu
2013 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology   unpublished
There's one major problem in the unstructured p2p file sharing systems, which is their heavy network traffic. A potential solution is to use replication technology. The objective of replication is to create enough replicas to let nodes in p2p systems get required files with only a few hops. Replication is widely used in the distributed database systems and gains great success. However, processing replication in unstructured p2p network is very challenging because a p2p system is a dynamic and
more » ... centralized system. In this paper we present an efficient hierarchical replica creation scheme based on the track and popularity of files, which includes two strategies, one is super node layer replica creation and the other is bottom layer replica balancing. Instead of passively accepting replicas, each node determines file replication by dynamically adapting to popularity and query track of the files, which can not only supply enough replicas to decrease the query messages, but also avoid unnecessary file replications. The evaluation results indicate that our method shows good performance.