David Allport
1988 Proceedings of the second conference on Applied natural language processing -  
This paper gives an overview of the natural language problems addressed in the Traffic Information CoHator/Condenscr (TICC) projeer, and describes in some detail the "interesting-corner parser" used in the TICC's Natural Language Summariser. The TICC is designed to take free text input describing local traffic incidents, and automatically output local traffic information broadcasts for motorists in appropriate geographical areas. The "interesting-corner parser uses both syntactic and semantic
more » ... formation, represented as features in a unification-based grammar, to guide its bi-directional search for significant phrasal groups.
doi:10.3115/974235.974274 dblp:conf/anlp/Allport88 fatcat:qngxxctnyrdsda5kc5conj2mli