Enhancing feelings of security: How institutional trust promotes interpersonal trust

Giuliana Spadaro, Katharina Gangl, Jan-Willem Van Prooijen, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Cristina O. Mosso, Valerio Capraro
2020 PLoS ONE  
Interpersonal trust is an important source of social and economic development. Over decades, researchers debated the question whether and how public institutions influence interpersonal trust, making this relationship a much-discussed issue for scientific debate. However, experimental and behavioral data and insights on this relationship and the underlying psychological processes are rare and often inconsistent. The present set of studies tests a model which proposes that institutional trust
more » ... irectly affects trust among unrelated strangers by enhancing individuals' feelings of security. Study 1 (survey on trust in a broad spectrum of state institutions), Study 2 (nationally representative data from 16 countries), and Study 3 (experimental manipulation of institutional trust) provide convergent support for this hypothesis. Also, the results show that the effect remains consistent even after controlling for individual dispositions linked to interpersonal and institutional trust (Study 1 and 3) and country level indicators of institutional performance (Study 2). Taken together, these findings inform and contribute to the debate about the relationship between institutions and interpersonal trust by showing that when institutions are trusted, they increase feelings of security, and therefore promote interpersonal trust among strangers.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237934 pmid:32916694 pmcid:PMC7486136 fatcat:ieehazgoyvd35n5bmoz7pjuu3u