Menstrual Pattern and Hygiene among Female Prisoners in Kano, North-western Nigeria

A Rabiu, FM Sani, SM Daneji
2020 Journal of BioMedical Research and Clinical Practice  
Menstrual hygiene management services among female inmates should be in a professional manner equivalent to what is provided in the country. Female prisoners' menstrual patterns could differ from normal due to stress and uncertainty about the future. This cross-sectional survey was aimed to assess the menstrual bleeding pattern of the female prisoners and their menstrual hygiene. It was conducted among three selected Prisons in Kano. Ethical approval was obtained from Ethical Committee of Kano
more » ... tate Ministry of Health. Information such as socio-demographic characteristics, menstrual hygiene and pattern were recorded on a questionnaire. All consenting female prisoners were recruited for the survey. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS Version 26.0.A p-value of < 0.05 was considered significant. Their mean age (±SD) was 30.1±3.42 years. The mean menstrual cycle was 28.9 ±4.42 days. The average duration of menstrual flow was 3 ± 1. Thirty-two (33.0%) of the female prison inmates experienced pains during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) while 43 (44.3%) had no dysmenorrhea. Majority of the inmates 83(85.6%) took bath once during menstrual period. More than 4/5th (81.4%) changed their absorbent twice a day during the period. Majority of the female inmates used toilet (80%) as the method of absorbent disposal. In conclusion; the survey showed that female prisoners relatively showed regular and normal menstrual patterns. Menstrual hygiene was relatively poor.
doi:10.46912/jbrcp3i1.2020133 fatcat:m7hop5ujq5fnfhnxwwbcdnfkza