A Study on Elderly Nursing Home Design Direction Based on Yalom's Existential Psychotherapy
얄롬의 실존주의 심리치료에 의거한 노인요양시설 디자인 방향에 대한 연구

Miryum Chung
2015 Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal  
Author 정미렴 Chung, Mi ryum / 정회원, 가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학전공 조교수, 건축학박사 Abstract Thi s research comprehended the fundamental cause of el derl y nursi ng home resi dents' negati ve feel i ngs of l onel i ness, depressi on, fear, and l oss of sel f-useful ness as exi stenti al i ssue, si nce they al ready went through l oss, death of l oved ones, geri atri c di sease and di sabi l i ty. The purpose of thi s research i s to expl ore how exi stenti al i sm and exi stenti al psychotherapy theory of Irvi n D.
more » ... om can be appl i ed to nursi ng home envi ronment desi gn, and to suggest desi gn di recti ons. Based on hi s framework of human's ul ti mate i nterest, death, freedom fol l owed by responsi bi l i ty, i sol ati on, and meani ngl essness, i nteri or desi gn suggesti ons and appl i cabl e spaces were presented. Four cases from Austral i a, Denmark, Japan and Korea were anal yzed accordi ng to desi gn suggesti ons to grasp the current si tuati on and to draw further proposi ti on. The concl usi ons are as fol l ows. (1)Envi ronment shoul d support nursi ng home resi dents to resol ve exi stenti al i ssues. (2)Death i s the l east supported i ssue on al l of the cases. Envi ronmental el ements that can i nduce resi dents to thi nk and di scuss on death, hospi ce program and space for memori al servi ce i s necessary. (3)Regardi ng to freedom, the envi ronment shoul d support resi dent's di sabi l i ty to mai ntai n i ndependence as much as possi bl e and resi dents autonomy and deci si on shoul d be respected. Si ngl e/doubl e rooms, motori zed bed, free and safe usage of ki tchen and garden are necessary. (4)For i sol ati on, Space and ti me for medi tati on shoul d be provi ded. (5) To fi nd meani ng of l i fe, envi ronment shoul d support resi dents i n both physi cal and cogni ti ve aspect so that they can contri bute to others. Space for hobby i s necessary for conti nued creati vi ty and sel f-real i zati on.
doi:10.14774/jkiid.2015.24.3.186 fatcat:j5kygqasc5c6znnr2pzhjjhaky