Exploring Kurdish EFL University Students' Beliefs about Language Learning [post]

Omar Fouad Ghafor, Hedayat Muhammad Ahmad, Goran Omar Mustafa
2022 unpublished
This paper is an attempt to deal with language learners' beliefs. Researchers used Elaine Kolker Horwitz's model (1988), Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory, and they applied it to explore the views of Kurdish EFL university students concerning language learning. The study aims to investigate and expose their opinions regarding language learning generally, then English language more precisely. Its significance lies in exploring the beliefs of Kurdish EFL university students about language
more » ... learning. It mainly answers the question, "what are the beliefs of Kurdish EFL university students about learning English?". The researchers administered a Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) questionnaire to seven universities to achieve this aim. The questionnaire includes several viewpoints regarding the difficulty of language learning, foreign language aptitude, the nature of language learning, learning and communication strategies, and motivation and expectations. They collected and analyzed the questionnaire results and found out that the first category, the difficulty of language learning, has the lowest mean score among the five categories. In contrast, the fifth category, motivation and expectations, has the highest mean score. They ended the study with suitable beneficiary recommendations.
doi:10.31235/osf.io/qrvfz fatcat:lub2ivua5bhjra5jyv7x6oljmq