Tempora Mutantur, nos et Mutamur in Illis (Times Change, and We too are Changed with Them.)

Ulrich Martin Plank
2018 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology (REKA 2018)   unpublished
The history has provided a reflection of to what extent science and technoogy might influence human life, from life changing advances to major devastations. Science and technology are invented and developed by humans but it might end up controling them in the most ironic ways. We cannot escape the impact of digital technology on all aspects of our life, thus we need to revisit and realize the initial purposes of science and technological advancements. The mission now is for us as educators to
more » ... sist young people in forming their future instead of being controlled by it. We need to turn them from addicted consumers into critical producers, who have something to tell to their own generation and who are able to tell it in media that appeal to this generation. May the negative impacts of this disruptive change in our civilization be no where nearly as devastating as the ones in the past.
doi:10.2991/reka-18.2018.7 fatcat:f7bmdtd2hfguhcgodzrucj23ju