A Flow Analysis of Small Craft by Using CFD

Ji-Yong Park, Jin-Hee Jeong, Tea-Wook Hwang, Sol-Ah Lee, Kyung-Sung Kim
2020 Journal of multimedia information system  
The small craft including jet-board for leisure are commonly smaller than the general commercial vessels. For the floating vessel, the motion analysis is significantly important component to design the shape. It is, however, hardly predicting its behavior by using conventional boundary element method due to violating small amplitude assumption for potential theory. The computational fluid dynamics method can afford to simulate such small craft, but its grid system was not able to calculate
more » ... n, because movable body disturbs the grid system by confliction. The dynamics fluid body interaction model with over-set mesh system can be dealt with movable floating body under irregular ocean wave. In this study, several cases were considered to reveal that DFBI is essential method to predict floating body motion. The single phase simulate was conducted to establish the shape perfection, and then the validated vessel was simulated with ocean waves weather DFBI option on or off. Through the comparison, the results between the cases of DFBI on and off shows significantly difference. It was claimed that the DFBI was necessary not only to calculation body motion, but also to predict accurate drag and lift force on the floating body for small size craft.
doi:10.33851/jmis.2020.7.4.269 fatcat:dogcd25tnjhkjjw5kta3i4mwhu